
Terri Shciavo - In God's arms now

The circumstances surrounding the death of Terri Schiavo are tragic. What should have been a private family decision has been turned into a media frenzy. Congress should not have intervened. A good many American families have been in similar circumstances regarding a family member who has been declared "brain dead" or no indications of brain activity on an EEG monitor.

I can only offer my prayers for Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers. Terri Schaivo is at peace now. My God comfort her family.

The pagan soldier given a dishonorable discharge

Read this funny account of how a soldier claiming to be a ordained pagan minister was given a dishonorable discharge.
Posse Incitatus


Congressional Medal of Honor Medal - Iraq

The White House has announced that the first Congressional Medal of Honor to be awarded for combat in Iraq will go to Sgt. First Class Paul Smith.

To read more about this astounding hero, go to The Indepundit

Scroll further down The Indepundit's page and read about the two deserters. Talk about a study in contrast.

One hero gave all
Two walk and gave their buddies a chance to fall


CIA & The Protest Warriors

One of the very looney left groups has made the outrageous claim the ProtestWarrior was founded by the CIA.

As a member of ProtestWarrior, I find it amusing that I am in the pay of the CIA. All I can say is:


It seems the left can make any kind of statement and has no need to back it up with "um" facts.


US Armed Forces the true Freedom Fighters

Who are the true freedom fighters in the world? Is it those who hide behind their masks such as Hamas, Hezbelloh, or Al Qaida?

I say that the U S Armed Forces and the coalition forces are the true freedom fighters. Two countries that have been long oppressed are now able to determine what type of government they want.

Thanks to Operation Enduring Freedom, the people of Afghanistan held their first elections in 2004.

Thanks to Operation Iraqi Freedom, the people of Iraq held elections to determine what type of government they will have.

They have been given, thanks to the true freedom fighters of the U S Armed forces and the coalition forces, in the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, "Government for the people, by the people..".

The people of Afghanistan spoke volumes when they voted. The Iraqi people were awesome in the face of the threats that faced them when they went to vote.

It is thanks to the true freedom fighters, the U S Armed Forces and the coalition forces, that the people of Afghanistan and Iraq will determine their government and future.