
Odd little joke by Durbin

We all know the scurrilous words that Durbin(I refuse to put senator in front of his name) used to denigrate the US Armed Forces. I was curious as to what the Chicago newspapers were saying about his remarks. At the Chicago Tribune he was soundly criticized. However, at the bottom of the editorial there was this little gem:

Perhaps, though, citizens should be grateful. At least Durbin has stopped repeating that odd little joke about President Lincoln--that he must have been Jewish because his first name was Abraham and he was shot in the temple.

We know what Durbin thinks about the treatment of Guantanamo prisoners. So what's the proper treatment of our coverage-hungry senior senator when he displaces the ever-present microphone long enough to insert his foot in his mouth? Ignore him. That would be torture.

Durbin has a very warped mind. How he ever got elected is beyond me and to think he is considered to be very knowledgeable and articulate!!!


Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

Very often people who VERY articulate can be like that because they are thoughtless and therefore their whole effort can go into articulating their lack of thoughts.

5:55 PM  

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