

I am a member of ProtestWarrior. I am pride of the things that we do in countering anti-war protestors. Back in January a group of hackers who call themselves the "Internet Liberation Front" and led by Jeremy Hammond gained illegal access to the Protest Warrior website.

Their attempt was quickly discovered and the administrators at the Protest Warrior site began collecting information and eventually were able to penetrate the inner circle of the hacking group. Evidence was collected that showed this group had stolen more than 5,000 credit card numbers and were planning the following:

* Use the credit card numbers to run up charges at left wing organizations
* Send the entire ProtestWarrior database with usernames and information to
left wing groups hostile to ProtestWarrior
* Upload the credit card information to such left-wing and anarchists sites,
specifically Indymedia as a downloadable zip file
* Send anonymous press releases bragging about the hack
* Erase the ProtestWarrior website
* Launch simultaneous attacks on other conservative sites

The FBI and Secret Service have been contacted. With the information provided by ProtestWarrior, the FBI was able to stop the planned attacks. The site administrators have taken measures to ensure that all information is secure and that all customers were protected. Jeremy Hammond is desperate. He is now facing an FBI investigation and has created a website www.freejeremy.com in order to receive donations for his upcoming legal expenses. He is also trying to garner public sympathy and is spreading slanderous disinformation about ProtestWarrior.

ProtestWarrior headquarters will be releasing more information about the ongoing FBI investigation. Kfir and Allen, founders of ProtestWarrior, said that justice will be served.

I am outraged by this group hacking our website. We do not try to deny anti-war groups their voice. We just hold up signs(quite humorous ones) to counter their message. We do not advocate violence violent protests. Americans who support the war have just as much right to show that support as do the anti-war groups.

Some examples of the signs used at major protest events:
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has a post about these malicious moonbats.

Hat tip: The Royal Flush


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