
Homespun Blogger Symposium XXI

This weeks Homespun Bloggers Symposium is on Saddam Hussein in his underwear and what if any reverberations it will have. I think people will welcome a chance to see a disposed tyrant in his skivvies. He has been stripped of all the power that he once wielded on a helpless people. Iraq the Model has an interesting take on it.
Anyway, I guess these pictures will have a greater impact outside Iraq rather than inside and whether showing them was with or against the law I believe it delivered another strong message to the small tyrants of the neighborhood and shook their image in the eyes of their people. I won't be surprised to hear that someone from Egypt or Syria used photoshop to edit these photos and fit Mubarak's or Asad's face on Saddam's body

It will be good if someone in Egypt or Syria is doing that. It will lessen the almost demigod status of Mubarak and Asad. You can't take someone too seriously when they are in their underwear.


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