You Can't Depend on Hippies
The South Mississippi Chapter of Protest Warriors had our signs and flags ready. But you just can't depend on hippies. The Veterans for Peace who organized the Veterans March to New Orleans were very lost and late. They arrived 30 minutes after the scheduled time in their buses. Notice I said buses. Didn't see too much marching and they failed to make their promised speeches at the ruins of Long Beach City Hall. I don't believe they applied for the required permits. None of the police officers nor people at the relocated City Hall knew of their plans. But I do have pictures.
Notice the quaint Impeachment Tour on the bus. What hypocrites. The stated goal of the march from their web-site is to bring attention to the damage done by Hurricane Katrina in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. I don't think they even noticed the demolished buildings around where they parked their bus.
Look carefully on these buses. What exactly do Palestinians have to do with this? It's an anti-war march disguised as a humanitarian march. But if they really wanted to help, they should have picked up some hammers to help rebuild instead of tying up police resources in the devastated cities of Mississippi.
Some of the veterans preparing for their "march" to the remains of the Long Beach Mississippi City Hall. Everyone has a right to free speech in this country. But I believe these guys are wrong. None of the signs on their buses has anything to do with recovering and rebuilding, just calls for impeachment.
My fellow Protest Warriors look harmless enough. Just a flag and a few signs. One tells them they to help is to grab a hammer and has a picture of someone repairing a roof. The other states that US Armed Forces are the true freedom fighters. We waited patiently for them to "march" by on the corner of the road where the city hall was. I spied them going down another road.
I was able to take the pictures of the buses because we pulled up as they disembarked. Most of us had on our Protest Warrior shirts. They didn't seem to like that I was taking pictures. Maybe it was because of all the upside down US flags in the bus you can see in the first picture. Oh well. It felt good to let them know that their trying to link the pain and misery of us in Mississippi to their anti-war agenda was not appreciated. It's the men and women in our Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea, Djibouti, and other places around the world that guarantees their right and my right to free speech.
Another thing, the men and women in the Coast Guard, the Marines, the US Army, the US Navy, and the National Guard has done more to help us then Veterans for Peace could ever hope to. The men and women of the US Armed Forces have been picking up hammers, shovels, bulldozers, backhoes, saws, and other construction equipment and are helping us to rebuild. I wish I could thank each and every one of them in person. Thank you guys!!!
I hope they "march" a little faster, Karen, since they're supposed to be in New Orleans with the Crawford Crackpot tomorrow.
Moonbat season!!! Just what we need in Mississippi and Louisiana. I guess she knew what kind of reception she would get in Mississippi. Or perhaps it's just that Mississippi doesn't draw as much media attention.
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