Signs of Progress
I haven't done an update lately on the progress of the seafood plant I work at. Pictures tell the story better than I could.

This is what it looked like on September 9. Hurricane Katrina did not leave very much when she slammed into Mississippi on August 29.

I took this yesterday from the I-110 bridge. Today, the work crew started applying the metal skin. What a difference 7 months makes.
Wow! They're going back bigger this time, huh?
What's going to be on the upper level?
You get an office with a window? A view?
Yes, we are. The second floor is where all the peeling equipment will be. It's designed so that the first floor will have blow out walls in the event we have another storm surge like Katrinas.
We are going to rebuild the offices on higher ground close to the cold storage. I already told my bosses we needed windows, a salad bar, exercise room, etc. They aren't taking my suggestions. We just got the plans for the new offices today. I haven't seen them yet.
The seafood market will be rebuilt where the new office building is going up.
I hope to have some pictures soon of the groundbreaking. It's not fun trying to work in a trailer that's only 8x30 feet.
Quote: The second floor is where all the peeling equipment will be. It's designed so that the first floor will have blow out walls in the event we have another storm surge like Katrinas.
Okay, okay....makes sense. The insurance company probably likes it too.
We also like it that way. It's not good to be out of business for so long. Hopefully, the design will prevent that in case we're hit by anymore hurricanes.
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