Since Jim Cantori of the WeatherChannel is in Biloxi, I need to prepare for Hurricane Katrina. It's a kind of joke for us that live in the danger zone for hurricanes to see where the WeatherChannel crew goes. Of course, they keep shifting it further west, which is good for Mississippi but bad for Louisiana and Texas. Anyways, need to get the house cleaned for expected family members and their pets if they have to evacuate. Ya'll have a good weekend!!
UPDATE: 11:15AM Just got called into work to pack up the office and I mean pack up. Everything is packed up and taken off-site. Started all computer backups last night. Planning ahead.
Jack from Dive Desk left a comment saying Entergy is gearing up. After being hit by a hurricane my heroes are the utility guys who come from all over the South to restore power. They always get a clap and horns honking when they come rolling in. Those guys are awesome!!
UPDATE: 8:45PM - Casinos ordered closed at 2:00am 8/28/05, employees should be out by noon.
UPDATE: 2:00AM 8/28/05 Katrina now a category 4. Low lying areas of Hancock County Mississippi under mandatory evacuation since 7:00pm last night. Say a prayer for those in New Orleans.
Update: 7:00am I am waiting word from the Harrison County Defense officials to start issuing mandatory evacuation orders for Harrison County. They should be coming soon. To Royal in New Orleans, Louisiana, if you are reading this, stop, get out of there now! Yesterday, one of my bosses requested I take pictures of the buildings. Which I did and had already had pictures of all the equipment in the factory which couldn't be moved. I also took other pictures.

Boats seeking safe harbor and heading to the Biloxi River, the Tchoutacabouffa River, and the Intercoastal Water way. The boat in the foreground actually anchored and started fishing!

I do love brown pelicans. Some of them become tame when still young and will let you feed them by hand.
Katrina now a 5. To see what a Category 5 did to the Mississippi Gulf Coast read my Camille, 36 Years Later. Still waiting for the civil defense officials to order mandatory evacuation orders. They need to get off their a@@es.
UPDATE: 9:30am Finally, mandatory evacuation ordered for Zones A & B in Harrison County Mississippi. This order includes mobile homes and any structurally unsafe buildings. Shelters will open at noon. A list of shelters can be found at WLOX.
UPDATE: 8/28/05 1:00pm I'm heading for the hills. God bless Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
UPDATE: 8/28/05 9:45PM I am at my sister and my brother-in-law's house along with the rest of my family. So, I am in the arms of my family about 20 miles north of Gulfport. Had a few minor squalls come through but nothing major so far. No major rain as of yet. Me and Debbie took a trip to Gulfport beach about 2:00pm. The water was already up 3-4 feet and the waves were breaking over the piers. Will post pictures sometime later this week, hopefully.