
Israeli "Peace Partners"

GAZA - Palestinians terrorists have already installed the necessary infrastructure to transfer the Qassam rockets to the West Bank from Gaza, according to Abu Abir, spokesman for the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees terror group. Ynet
If the assertion that Qassam rockets are ready to be moved from Gaza to the West Bank is true, that could leave Tel Aviv and Central Israel vulnerable.

Popular Resistance Committees’ spokesman Abu Abir has many lies to tell in the above article. The biggest one of all:
"..But as always, we won’t initiate, we will only respond to Israeli activities.”

Not being familiar with this group, I wanted to find out more and did I ever:
The Popular Resistance Committee (PRC) is a terrorist organization active in the Gaza Strip. The organization was founded in September 2000, at the beginning of the current violent confrontation, by former Fatah and Palestinian Security apparatus members. Its ranks also include ex-Hamas terrorists, some of whom were wanted by Israel and who joined the Palestinian Preventive Security apparatus, and operatives who belonged to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian. Read more about this terror group

The people of Tel Aviv and Central Israel may have to brace for more attacks such as these:
Attacks on civilian targets in the Gaza Strip: a side charge was detonated as a bus full of children passed near Kfar Darom on November 20, 2000, killing two; shots were fired at a bus carrying airport workers near the Rafah terminal on October 8, 2000, wounding 8 Israeli civilians; shots were fired at a car on the road from Kerem Shalom to the Rafah terminal, killing the woman driver. Akram Salameh ‘Atia Said , a member of the PRC who was sentenced to 24 years in prison (See below), admitted during interrogation to having planned to perpetrate a suicide bombing attack at Kfar Darom.Read more about this terror group

Pray for a bunch of "work accidents". It also explains why the Israeli government does not want more funds provided to the PA to buy more arms. If the PA Preventive Security Forces consist mainly of members of Islamic Jihad and Hamas, why should money be given to help these vile terrorists?

Good News?

The committee writing the new Iraqi constitution decided Sunday to ask parliament for a 30-day extension to finish the draft, members said. The decision marks a setback to U.S. efforts to maintain political momentum to combat the insurgency.

The formal request will be submitted to parliament Monday, committee members said.Yahoo News

It is disappointing that the Iraqis will not be voting on the new constitution on August 15. But as the draft stands now, it leans more toward Iraq becoming an more of an Islamic state instead of a secular one.

Iraq the Model has a post titled Constitutional Update and discusses some of the issues that are troubling the Iraqis.

So, it does seem that the Iraqis discontent over certain aspects of the proposed constitution has had an effect and hopefully this extension will be good news.


Should US Supply PA With More Arms?

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's top adviser Dov Weisglass left Saturday night for a meeting in Washington with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice where he will argue against supplying the Palestinian Authority with weapons it says it needs to fight terrorism.

Rice, who was here just over a week ago and is expected to return to Israel on August 15 to "chaperone" the disengagement process, has been pressing Israel to allow the resupply of arms and ammunition to the PA.

In recent weeks the Palestinians have argued that they lack necessary arms, ammunition, vehicles and communications equipment to fight terrorism or effectively take control of Gaza once Israel leaves.

Israel disputes this, saying that what Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has shown is not a lack of weaponry, but rather a lack of will to confront Hamas. Israel has argued that an infusion of arms and ammunition won't make a difference for Abbas until he takes the strategic decision to frontally take on his extremists.

To buttress its argument about the danger of transferring arms and ammunition to the PA, Israel has recently provided the US with intelligence information indicating that a PA policeman was involved in last Saturday night's murder of Dov and Rachel Kol in Gush Katif. Read the rest Jerusalem Post

I am not buying Abbas' assertion that he needs more weapons(money) in order to curtail Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups. These groups must be condemned not glorified. Instead of using words such as "gunmen", Abbas needs to use words such as murderers, criminals, terrorists, and extremists. As noted in the article, Abbas needs to frontally take on the extremists.

Nothing Much

I have been taking it easy. Spending time with the family at my grand-niece's birthday and enjoying a day without any thunderstorms.

Fairley Bayou (7/28/05)
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Giant red lily, planted 2 years ago, 1st time to bloom (7/09/05)
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Dodger, Lab/German shepard mix (7/30/05)
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10th Planet Discovered

NASA announced today the discovery of a 10th planet.
A planet larger than Pluto has been discovered in the outlying regions of the solar system.

The planet was discovered using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif. The discovery was announced today by planetary scientist Dr. Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., whose research is partly funded by NASA.

The planet is a typical member of the Kuiper belt, but its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be classified as a planet, Brown said. Currently about 97 times further from the sun than the Earth, the planet is the farthest-known object in the solar system, and the third brightest of the Kuiper belt objects.

Read the rest at NASA.

US Soldier Writes Country Hit While in Iraq

Luke Stricklin couldn't answer his family's questions about what it was like in Iraq.
He couldn't speak the words. But he could sing them. He looked at the bottom of his boots one day. The boots he'd worn 12 hours a day for 14 months became the breakthrough. "Bottom of my boots sure are getting worn," the 22-year-old Arkansas National Guardsman wrote. "There's a lot of holes in this faded uniform. Hands are black with dirt and so is my face. Ain't ever been to hell, but it can't be any worse than this place."Yahoo News

This start has evolved into American, By God's Amazing Grace which has been released as a single. You can listen to samples here.

I haven't listened to country music in a long time. I like this song because it is heartfelt, especially the verses that describe the poverty in Iraq. Luke Stricklin came home from Iraq four months ago.

Tomato Gardens

I received this via e-mail:

Subject: The Italian Tomato Garden

An old Italian man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his
tomato garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His only
son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a
letter to his son and described his predicament.

Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my
tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a
garden plot. If you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would
dig the plot for me.
Love Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Dad,
Not for nothing, but don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the
Love Vinnie

At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up
the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man
and left.

That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

Dear Dad,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the
Love Vinnie

One Way to Answer Anti-war Protesters

My boss received this via e-mail. I told him I was going to use it as a post. He said go right ahead. I love where I work!!

I Love Grandmas

Here's a quote from someone who witnessed a recent interaction between an elderly woman and an antiwar protester in a Metro station in DC

"There were protesters on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of America. I politely declined to take one. An elderly woman was behind me getting off the escalator and a young (20ish) female protester offered her a pamphlet, which she politely declined.
The young protester put her hand on the old woman's shoulder as a gesture of friendship and in a very soft voice said, "Ma'am, don't you care about the children of Iraq?"

The old woman looked up at her and said, "Honey, my first husband died in France during World War II, my second husband died in Korea, one of my sons died in Vietnam, a Grandson died in Desert Storm, all so you could have the right to stand here and bad mouth our country. If you touch me again. I'll stick this umbrella up your ass and open it."


No Free Speech at Disney?

The Anti-CAIR site was recommended to me by Patrick at Clarity & Resolve. It has some very good information about CAIR.


Conservative talk-show host Michael Graham was suspended without pay today (June 28, edited by me) by ABC Disney after threats from the Council for American-Islamic Relations over his on-air comments regarding terrorism and Islam.

Despite repeated statements of support for Graham's free-speech rights by management at 630 WMAL in Washington, D.C. ----- the ABC-owned radio station where Grraham works as mid-morning host ---- he was summarily suspended pending an "investigation."

Graham has been harshly criticized by CAIR for public comments linking the current theology and structure of Islam to the repeated acts of terror in its name. CAIR sent mass e-mails to its members urging them to contact ABC and demand the company to punish Graham for his remarks.

The statements at the heart of the controversy reflect Graham's opinion that, as he puts it, "Because of the mix of Islamic theology that --- rightly or wrongly --- is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam's name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn't have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don't support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion." Anti-CAIR

Personally, I don't see anything offensive against Islam in his statement. Islamic terrorists base their murderous crimes on the Koran, Sunnah, and Hadith. Michael Graham says he will not back down and will not recant. Like he states, this is America and we have the right to free speech.

If you would like to express your opinion the article provides this link:
To contact ABC Radio in Washington and express your opinion about their decision to cave into pressure from CAIR, call the General Manager, Chris Berry, at 202-686-3100 or email feedback@630wmal.com.

We have the right to criticize religions and anything else in this country. We can call our president any name in the book without fear of imprisonment. The very first amendment in the Constitution is the freedom of speech. The men who wrote it knew what a precious right it is. Don't let dhimmi change America by curtailing our most precious right.

Worst Writer's Contest Winners Announced

We have an, uhm, winner?

Dan McKay (search), a computer analyst at Microsoft Great Plains in Fargo, N.D., bested thousands of entrants from North Pole, Alaska to Manchester, England to triumph Wednesday in San Jose State University's annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.

"As he stared at her ample bosom, he daydreamed of the dual Stromberg carburetors in his vintage Triumph Spitfire," he wrote, comparing a woman's breasts to "small knurled caps of the oil dampeners."

The competition highlights literary achievements of the most dubious sort — terrifyingly bad sentences that take their inspiration from minor writer Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton (search), whose 1830 novel "Paul Clifford" began, "It was a dark and stormy night."

"We want writers with a little talent, but no taste," San Jose State English Professor Scott Rice said. "And Dan's entry was just ludicrous."Foxnews

Another Day

Today, the words will just not come. I am currently reading three books, Eurabia, The Case for Israel, and Harry Potter, The Order of the Phoenix. Right now, Harry Potter is the one I am concentrating on and yes it so I can read the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

There is only so much you can take when reading, learning, and writing about the injustice, hatred, and evil that goes on around the world. So, before I came home from work I went on another jaunt.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comCalm ...
Image hosted by Photobucket.com before the storm.


Shenanigans at the UN

The International Humanist and Ethical Union tried to call on the UN to condemn suicide bombers. They were blocked from reading their speech to the UN Human Rights Sub-Committee in Geneva. Can you guess by who? You got it. The Islamic members objected on the grounds it attacks their religion.

The Islamic members of the Sub-Commission objected to the speech as an attack on Islam. The text however is a report on recent critical comment on Islamist extremism by a number of notable Muslim writers and is a call to the UN Human Rights Commission by the NGOs "to condemn calls to kill, to terrorise or to use violence in the name of God or any religion".

The text referred to recent decisions by high-ranking Muslim clerics
confirming that those who carry out suicide bombings cannot be treated as apostates and remain Muslims(1), a fatwa by a Saudi cleric that innocent Britons were a legitimate target for terrorist action(2), and remarks by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, dean of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University who has visited Britain, that terror attacks are permissible.Front Page Magazine

The truth hurts, doesn't it? Some Islamic clerics are using their religion to justify the slaughter of innocents. Most religions condemn suicide and murder as sins, ones which will not get you into heaven nor 72 virgins. The above is just a brief example of the fight that is ongoing. Some Muslims are objecting to the indiscriminate killing of innocents in the name of Islam and they are being blocked at every turn. Not by Westerners who welcome this condemnation but by their co-religionists. The voices of Islam who condemn killing, suicide bombers, and other violence in the name of Islam must grow louder to drown out and overcome those in Islam who glorify these heinous acts.

American Soldier Has a Troll

American Soldier has a troll. Please go to his site and wish American Soldier well. He is having an "off" day and then has to see in his comments a troll by the name of noSay accusing him of being a baby killer and murderer.

Trouble on the Horizon

Iran now has solid-fuel capability for its missiles.

Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani told The Associated Press that Iran has made an "important step forward" in developing the technology, which provides the Islamic Republic with the ability to fire solid-fuel ballistic missiles like the Shahab-3.

The Shahab-3, with a range of 810 miles to more than 1,200 miles, is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and reaching Israel and U.S. forces in the Middle East.

"We have fully achieved proficiency in solid-fuel technology in producing missiles," said Shamkhani in Iran's first declaration that it has locally developed full access to solid fuel missile technology. AP News

So far, Iran has not tested the Shahab-3 missiles with the solid-fuel technology. Maybe it's a smokescreen. But coupled with the nuclear program that is ongoing, it is extremely worrisome. These guys in Iran have the mind-set of the 7th century and have modern technology that could be capable of destroying Israel and injuring our forces serving in Iraq.


What the Pope Didn't Say

On Monday, Pope Benedict XVI condemned the terror attacks in Britain, Egypt, Turkey, and Iraq. He did not mention the terrorist attacks in Israel. Vatican spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls stated after Israel's protests that the Pope expressly mentioned the terrorist attacks in "recent days". Why not mention Israel specifically?

Turkey had five of it's innocents killed, the same number as Israel in the Netanya attacks on July 12. Later that week, Israel lost two more innocents in a separate terrorist attack.

Perhaps it was a just a mistake on the Pope's part that he failed to mention Israel specifically. A country that has suffered repeated terrorist attacks, sometimes on a daily basis. So many attacks in fact, that Israelis have become the world experts on how to defend against these murderous attacks against innocents.

So many world governments fail to mention the terrorist attacks against Israel. It would say a lot if the leader of the Catholic Church would specifically condemn terrorist attacks against Israel.


Finally Something Smart Out of Annan

The UN has been mulling since 1996 how to define terrorism. Kofi Annan has suggested a very commen sense one.

He has suggested as a definition a simple statement branding any intentional maiming or killing of civilians as terrorism, regardless of the cause.Swiss Info

This defintion fits the bill. Any intentional killing or maiming of civilians. One would assume this would include the victims of terrorism in Israel. The victims in Israel have been intentional targets of the murdering cowards who would dare to call their actions as a "resistance to occupation".

So guess what group doesn't like this defintion? You guessed it, the Arab delegation, they want to seperate the terrorism against Israel and say that it is "resistance to occupation".
In the last round of talks, four months ago, Arab delegates continued to resist Annan's proposal as contrary to the right of national liberation movements -- such as the Palestinians' -- to fight foreign occupation, diplomats said.Swiss Info

So the Arab delegates believe that Hamas, Islamic jihad, the Martyrs Brigade should be exempt from murdering Israeli citizens. Since 1993, these unholy warriors have killed over 3,200 Israelis going about their daily lives and injured over 6,200 Iraelis going about their daily lives. It is outrageous that this continues to go on and there is still debate on whether or not to condemn the terrorist acts commited against the citizens of Israel.

Unless the terrorist acts against the citizens of Israel are condemned, this statement by Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic States wiil have no merit.
urged a collective Muslim response to such bombings including the adoption of "new measures to eradicate this scourge."
"Terrorism ... has inflicted so much damage and brought nothing but harm to the Muslim world and its standing, particularly by demonizing the image and reputation of Muslims in the eyes of the world," Ihsanoglu said in a statement issued in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.Swiss Info

Then there is Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and other countries that are deemed by the unholy jihadis as being occupied.

Annan needs to stick to his guns on this one. There is no justification for the intentional killing of civilians. Of course, some Muslim clerics have stated there is no such thing as a civilian.

Do you see what we are up against?

Positives/Negatives - Iraq Constitution

The Iraqis are closer to having a final revision of the proposed constitution ready for the National Assembly to set the final wording and then for countrywide voting on August 15. The Sunnis have ended their boycott. And important measures are being emplaced.

In other areas, the chapter obtained by AP would make the judiciary independent, require public trials, ban torture and require a judicial order to detain anyone. Child labor, which flourished in the 1990s after the United Nations imposed sanctions on Iraq, would be banned.AP News

All the above are very positive and the Iraqis should be commended for including these safeguards for civil rights.

While not specifically addressing militias, the draft chapter would permit Iraqis to form only political parties and would ban individuals from possessing weapons.

Ensuring that Iraqis can form political parties is very progressive. Banning gun ownership will be problematic. It will be very difficult to enforce and I doubt if the Kurds will give up their arms willingly.

Also, the draft would prevent tens of thousands of Iraqi Jews who emigrated to Israel in the 1950s from getting back their Iraqi citizenship. It says only Iraqis who lost their citizenship after Saddam's Baath Party came to power in 1963 "will be allowed to get it back."

This is troubling. It seems to aim only at those Jews who immigrated to Israel. If Iraq is going to become a full-fledge democracy, it cannot start out by seeming to be discriminatory to Jews and must be willing to recognize Israel.

In the copy obtained by AP, Article 19 of the second chapter says "the followers of any religion or sect are free to choose their civil status according to their religious or sectarian beliefs."

Shiite Muslim leaders have pushed for a stronger role for Islam in civil law but women's groups argue that could base legal interpretations on stricter religious lines that are less favorable toward women.

This is the most troubling to me. Just a glance at demographics shows that countries that do not allow women equal rights are at the low end of the economic spectrum. The article goes on to explain that each person can choose which sect they want to join and that Shites offer full inheritance rights to women. While that maybe the case, women should not be denied the right to work, the right to choose who to marry, and to initiate divorce. Nor should a woman's vote count only as half a man's. Islamic law is unfairly balanced against women and the National Assembly should work very hard to ensure that it doesn't become the law of the land.

While this is not the final version, the National Assembly should ensure that women do not lose equal rights. Secular law should be given precedence over Islamic law. Greater effort must be made to ensure that all citizens of Iraq are treated as equals: Christians, Jews, Shites, Sunnis, Kurds, and any other group. I can only hope that the final version will be secular.


Terror Attack Close to Pyramids Fails

A terrorist was carrying his deadly sack meant to maim and kill. He was believed to have been heading to the tourist area of Kerdassa near the Pyramids. Fortunately for the innocents he was aiming for, his sack blew up before he reached the area. The terrorist was the only one injured. Jerusalem Post

This is my kind of terrorist attack, the only person to get hurt is the terrorist. Good job.

How Israelis Settle Internal Differences

Iraellycool has a good post about the settlers' protest in Kfar Maimon last week. While the rest of the world may tend to demonize the settlers, the pictures and the post show the truly compassionate sides of both the IDF and the settlers.


I love where I live, the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast. The people are friendly and the climate is one that I like, nice toasty 90's during the summer and the lowest in the winter, 19, of course anything below 50 degrees is too cold for me but the really cold temperatures last only a couple of weeks. Until this year, I didn't have a really decent camera but I finally bought one that I like, a HP 4.5 Digital. I have been putting it to use, much to the chagrin of family, friends, and coworkers. Once the camera bug bites, you can't let go. I carry it with me all the time now. And since my family, friends, and coworkers have seen most of these, I must expand. Now site readers are once again going to be subjected to my offerings.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comBiloxi Beach

Image hosted by Photobucket.comBayou Bernard


Continuing My Education - CAIR

Kevin at Rant Me a River has an enlightening post titled Nancy Pelosi: Islam's Best Buddy . I learned some things about the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). I had known that one of it's directors had extensive ties with extremist Islamics but I didn't realize how far the ties went and how they were entwined with the terror group Hamas. That bunch of fun loving guys that want nothing better than to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. CAIR is also dedicated to changing the face of the US. The directors want nothing better than to see us under Islamic law and with Islam the dominant and superior religion.

The following is from the Front Page Article Hamas and Hizzoner:

CAIR is a direct outgrowth of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP). The IAP supports Hamas' military goals

CAIR's founder and executive director, Nihad Awad, was the IAP's public relations director "I am in support of the Hamas movement."

The IAP's current president, Rafeeq Jaber, was a founding director of CAIR.

Mohammed Nimer, who directs CAIR's Research Center, was on the board of the United Association for Studies and Research, which is the strategic arm of Hamas in the US and was founded by Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook.

Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's Director of Communications(worked for IAP) "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future," he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education."

CAIR chairman Omar M. Ahmad "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."

This article was written in March 2003. I went to CAIR's website. Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad are the only two listed above that are shown on the current board members. Doesn't it give you a nice, warm fuzzy feeling inside to know that Hamas is in America only dressed up in the guise of CAIR?

Remember, Islam has two ways to try to dominat: open jihad and taqqiya. Taqqiya means lie to the infidels, give them what they want to hear. Can quit wondering now why one never hears any unequivocal denunciations from CAIR on terror attacks nor why they do not participate in Muslims Against Terror rallies.

Gaza Responds to Rice's Call for Action

In Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's visit to Israel and in meetings with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and PA leader Abbas, she called on the PA to act on ending terrorists attacks against Israel. This is the response.

Two Isrealis Killed in Gaza Gun Attack

Rocket explodes near Palestinian camp in Gaza

Security forces foil Tel Aviv suicide bombing

The rocket incident did not harm anyone because the rocket misfired. It was aimed at an IDF helicopter. So Rice calls for action in regards to terrorists attacks on Israel but the wrong people responded. Do you seriously think those in Gaza and the West Bank are ready for statehood? Do you really think that $3 billion dollars should be given to the PA?

Patrick at Clarity&Resolve has a very good post on the stupidity of the current State Department's policy regarding the handling of the PA.

Damn, But I Feel Good

Last evening, I decided to take a walk along Bayou Bernard. It was good to get out and start enjoying some of the things I like to do. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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This morning, it was cleaning house to music of Santana. I don't know about you, but some music just makes you have to dance. That is the way it was this morning. Never fear, no pictures were taken.

Time to go out and enjoy life for a little while.


Terror in Today's News/Countries That See The Light

The jihadis are in a killing mood today, as always. Below are a few links to new reports about the unholy "warriors" lust for blood. Doesn't seem to matter where you are, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, England, Georgia, Indonesia, or Thailand, to name a few of where the murdering, cowardly terrorists have left their bloody calling cards. Egypt was hit the worst at a resort town, reports indicate that some of the 45 victims in this attack were from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and European countries.

45 Dead and 200 Hurt in Egyptian Blasts

Iraq Police Search for Algerian Diplomats

Beirut Blast Wounds Two on Crowded Street

Today, countries are waking up to the very real threat of terrorists. The US House of Representatives extended indefinitely the PATRIOT Act, Italy passed new anti-terrorism measures, and Australia is looking anew at anti-terrorism measures.

Italian Cabinet OKs Anti-Terror Measures

Australia eyes terrorism laws after London attacks

House Votes to Extend Patriot Act

People need to stop making excuses for these murdering terrorists. There is no excuse other than extreme fanaticism. It has nothing to do with Israel, US policies, England being in Iraq or any other excuse trotted out by apologists. Stop making excuses and condemn these terrorists for the murdering cowards that they are and educate yourself about the justification they glean from the Koran.

House Guests

My sister was browsing through my site and found out what I said about her cat when they were over here during Hurricane Dennis. I promised I would redeem myself for calling her cat a wuss. Spunky is a very sweet and affectionate cat. So, here are some pictures of my house guests that weekend.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.comCindy

Keesler Medical May Be Saved

In a previous post about BRAC Keesler Medical Center was slated to become a clinic. However, some new facts have come to light. Brian Martin, a staff remember of Representaive Gene Taylor, noticed something odd about the report on Keesler Medical Center. Keesler Medical Center had scored a zero on the Facility Condition Index. The figure was recalculated and now Keesler has a score of 11.25 out of a possible 12.5 and has boosted it's standing 44 points in the ranking of military health care facilities.

Good job Brian!! Hopefully this will mean Keesler Medical Center will continue to meet the needs of active duty personel and the large retiree population in south Mississippi.

Today Is Mustang23's Birthday

One of the milbloggers I enjoy tremendously is Mustang23(Assumption of Command). Today is his birthday. Go and wish him well. Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspriracy has a couple of birth day cards for him. In light of one of his recent posts, I believe the second one is more appropriate.


Rice Encourages PA To Stop Terrorists

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice had high praise for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's disengagement from Gaza. She said his decision will lead to better security for Israel and a better chance for lasting peace. She said she would encourage the PA to take action against terrorists. She also said she was encouraged by the PA's statement against "gunmen" and that she would encourage Mahmoud Abbas in that work.

Sharon noted that the US continues to be steadfast in it's stance against terrorism and also noted that Abbas was able to stand up to Hamas. He also said that the PA must continue it's attempts to stop terrorists and not just when an terrorist attack has been made against Israel. Ynet News

I am sure Abbas gets the message that Rice was giving him. Put action behind your words. It would be nice that if in her private meetings with Abbas, she suggested to him stop the terrorists attacks or we'll stop the $3 billion. That would do the trick better than anything else.

A Few Observations

My doctor prescribed the antibiotic Cipro for my sinus infection. I noticed the warning about not taking it with antacids and dairy products. I did not notice the warning about caffaine. So yesterday, as my coworkers can attest, after my cup of coffee, I was a nervous wreck and almost spastic. I looked up on the internet and saw that caffaine was the culprit. I am happy to say the antibiotics are working great and I am for the most part spastic free.

Another observation, when a piece of sheetrock flies off the supply truck in front of your car when you are going down the interstate, it's not as bad having a ladder do the same. In the ladder incident, I had no choice but to run over it for trying to avoid it would have caused me to wreck. By some sort of weird luck, in both cases neither my car or anyone else's was damaged and caused no wrecks.

Your son will not appreciate lectures on why he cannot do donuts using your car .

How Not to Treat A Diplomat

Condoleeza Rice's visit with Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir was marred by her entourage and reporters being roughed up by Sundanese security. In fact, the gate was slammed shut before three cars with her staff could get into the compound. Rice senior adviser Jim Wilkinson was in one the cars that was intially denied entry. His troubles didn't end there. Once inside the compound he was manhandled and eventually shoved against a wall. The reporters who were there were also roughly treated once they started asking questions and were forced to the back of the room.

Rice rightfully demanded an apology and recieved one from the Sudanese Foreign Minister and the Sudanese ambassador in Washington extended one also.

Rice also went to the Abu Shouk refugee camp and spoke loudly and plainly that what is happening in Darfur is a clear case of genocide. She spoke with refugees directly. el-Bashir had asked for sanctions to be lifted and Rice said the sanctions on rail and airlines may be considered for purley humanitarian reasons. Rice said that African Union are helping to stop the atrocities and the US is making a difference in relieving the refugee crisis. Yahoo News

Secretary Rice demands respect for herself and her staff and gets it. When she sees something wrong, she loudly and clearly states her objections. Unlike the UN, she is unequivocal in her denouncement of the Sudanese governments genocide campaign. I am glad to see that she isn't letting el-Bashir and and his government get away from their actions against the people of Darfur. It clearly is a case of genocide and the Sudanese government can make all the claims it wants, but it's soldiers have been set looses to wipe a people of the face of the earth.


Two Good Things From Iraq

Those Iraqis who are working together to frame Iraq's new constitution vow to meet the August 15th deadline. This comes after 12 Sunnis made a move to suspend participation on the committee after two Sunni members were assassinated and after another two quit altogether. One of the most contentious items so far is women's rights. Some object to using Islamic law to apply to women's rights and want to keep in place secular law. It appears that there is open and honest debate going on as to the direction the new constitution will take Iraq. This is good for it is up to the people of Iraq to decide their future. Yahoo News

There was other good thing to come out of Iraq today and a first. The Iraqi government called on a nationwide moment of silence to remember those killed in last weeks terrorist attack in which the majority of victims were children and to remember the 100 killed in a terrorist attack over the weekend. Participation was sporadic, mainly due to the fact a lot of people were unaware of it. One participant had this to say:
"To me, participation in the three-minute silence is like taking part in last January's elections — challenging the terrorists," said Sheik Jalal al-Saghir, a prominent Shiite Muslim cleric in Baghdad.

"They are spreading fear and, in response, we said today 'You are threatening to kill me and I am telling you here I am. Come and kill me'."

So, despite the terrorists attempts, the Iraqi people are still charging ahead and working together to create the country they want. You cannot but help to admire their courage and resolve. I earnestly hope that those working on the constitution will take the progressive view on women's rights.

That Didn't Last Long

The "truce" between Hamas and the PA did not last an half day. Already they are at each others throats. Hamas fired upon the PA's Preventive Security Service Minister Rashid Abu Shabak home. Three PA and four Hamas were injured. Jerusalem Post

What an oxymoron: the PA Preventive Security Service. Let's hand to the PA, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, doesn't matter who, can't seem to get along with anybody. I wonder who will get the blame for this? Gee, you don't think they'll try to pin on Israel?

Goodbye Scotty

No longer will the words of Captain Kirk's "Beam me up, Scotty" be answered. James Doohan died today at the age 85 from complications of pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease. His wife Wende was at his side. Yahoo News

He played my favorite character on the Star Trek series and movies. Who can forget the master engineer of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1701 performing feats of wonder to ensure that Captain Kirk and the rest of the crew made it on time to save the day.

Time for Scotty to be beamed up now.


Bad Boys Make Nice

I guess Secretary of Condoleeza Rice's upcoming visit coupled with the threat of IDF forces rolling into Gaza has had some effect on the unholy "warriors" of Hamas. BBCNews is reporting that Hamas and the PA have reached an agreement. Hamas has agreed to withdraw from the northern streets of Gaza. Palestinian cabinet minister Sufian Abu Zaida said that both sides have agreed to stop all clashes and violence between the two groups.

So, does this mean Israel will have some peace from the near daily Kassam rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas? Of course not. Hamas has said it is still committed to an unofficial ceasefire with Israel but said it retained a right to "resistance and self-defence".

Since when has Hamas observed the unofficial truce with Israel? Also, what about Islamic Jihad? Do you suppose they are just going to stop long enough for Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's visit and then go back to shooting, bombing, robbing, and killing each other while taking deadly shots at Israel? More smokescreens from the PA and Hamas.

Asking The World to Unite Against Terror

Hat tip: IsraellyCool

One of the originators is Christopher Hitchens(go to Political Teen to see him mow down Ron Reagan) . He had this to say about why this petition was started and his commitment to it:

Association with this statement and with many of its fellow-signatories involves two commitments. The first is the elementary duty of solidarity with true and authentic resistance movements within the Muslim world, such as the Kurdish guerrillas in Iraq and the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, who were fighting against Ba'athism and Talibanism (and the latent alliance between the two) long before any American or British government had woken up to the threat. It should go without saying that, though the suffering of their peoples was intense, neither Jalal Talabani nor Ahmed Shah Masoud ever considered letting off explosive devices at random in foreign capitals. I have my political and ideological differences with both groups, but these differences are between me and them, and are not mediated through acts of nihilistic murder.

My second commitment is equally elementary. The foreign policy of a democracy should be determined only at election times or by votes in Congress or Parliament. It is one hundred per cent unacceptable even to imply, let alone to assert, that a suicide-murderer or his apologists can by these means acquire the right to any say in how matters are decided.

Both of these observations, and indeed this very statement, would be redundant if it were not for the widespread cultural presence of a pseudo-Left, and an isolationist Right, both of whom have degenerated to the point where they regard jihadism as some form of "liberation theology". The old slogans are often the best, and "Death to Fascism" is life-affirming in these conditions.

I like this petition at Unite Against Terror. It is the first I have seen asking for terror attacks to stop against all: from London, to Israel, to homicide bombers in Iraq. Below is an excerpt:
Communities United Against Terror

Terrorist attacks against Londoners on July 7th killed at least 54 people. The suicide bombers who struck in Netanya, Israel, on July 12 ended five lives, including two 16 year old girls. And on July 13, in Iraq, suicide bombers slaughtered 24 children. We stand in solidarity with all these strangers, hand holding hand, from London to Netanya to Baghdad: communities united against terror

This terrorist violence is not a response by 'Muslims' to the injustices perpetrated upon them by 'the west'. Western democracies have been responsible for some of the ills of this world but not for the terrorist murders of these deluded Bin-Ladenists.

A brief list of some who have already signed:

Michael N. Ezra
Philip Spencer (Kingston University, personal capacity)
Jim Davis (USA)
Peter Ismert (USA)
Ben Cohen
Anthony Cox (England - blogger)
Oliver Kamm (Columnist, The Times)
David M. Seymour (UK)
Debbie Williams (Transport and General Workers Union, UK, personal capacity)
Jeffrey Ketland (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Eric Lee
David Collins
Jim Denham
Ben Harris
Peter Ward
Patrick Heenan
Monique Lamontagne
Steven Dzik
Osama Al-Moosawi (Iraq)

There are already a lot of signatures. I am glad to see some journalist's signatures. And as Israellycool pointed out, once again bloggers are leading the way. Please sign the Communities Against Terror petition.

Judge Not Helping His Country

U.S. District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. refused the prosecutions request to move the trial date for two men arrested in Lodi on terrorism charges. The Hayats face charges of lying to investigators and have been linked to terrorist camps in Pakistan.

Hamid Hayat, the younger of the two, was arrested in California after his flight from Pakistan landed. He had this prayer with him, "Lord let us be at their throats, and we ask you to give us refuge from their evil.". Lodi News

The prosecutors asked for more time because they have over 2,000 documents to translate from Arabic. Four videotapes were also found but no description was given of the contents.

You know, I can understand the judge saying that a defendant has a right to a speedy trial, but in this case setting a trial date for a month or two after the proposed August 23 date is not asking for much. In the long run, it may even save a lot of lives.


High Hopes For Lebanon Dashed

When the Lebanese people took to the streets to protest former PM Rafic Hariri's assassination and were able to get Syria forces out of their country, I thought it was the start of a new era. Doubts started creeping in when I learned that Saad al-Hariri, whose party won the majority in the elections, lived in Saudi Arabia and that his family continues to live there.

My doubts were confirmed by this article.
This notable fellow will be released in two weeks time.
Samir Geagea, the former leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces, has been linked with some of Lebanon's most notorious civil war-era killings, including the 1987 bombing of a military helicopter that killed the pro-Syrian Prime Minister Rashid Karami and the slaying of Danny Chamoun, a prominent Christian politician.

The Lebanese parliament is also set to release 33 terrorists. Seven of these unholy "warriors" were arrested in September for planning attacks on the Italian and Ukraine embassies in Beirut. Ismail Mohammed al-Khatib, the leader of this group of seven is reputed to be an Al-Qaeda leader.

So, the cedars of Lebanon will continue to weep. And more than likely the people of Israel can expect stepped up attacks from Hezbollah. I hope somebody has notified the embassies in Lebanon.

Lowlifes Strike Again

A site dedicated to giving aid to soldiers was hacked on July 10/11. This person left his calling card as KMK. Books for Soldiers is an all volunteer organization that fills out the requests of individual soldiers, chaplains, and others. We are there to give comfort to those who proudly serve our country.

The site administrators have been able to retrieve most of the database and the site was up and running again within a few days. They have done a remarkable job. I cannot understand why someone would want to hack a site that is doing a good job of lifting the morale of service members across the globe.

The moderators have issued a challenge to us volunteers, to send a couple of extra packages this month. I will be doing so.

I am offering a challenge to those who read this. Go and register. You will have to download a registration form and have it notarized. It is open to all who live in the US. There is a $12.00 processing fee.

The rewards are great. Please join and all of us can make sure KMK gets no satisfaction and our soldiers will get the books, magazines, and care packages they need.

Time To Give In

After looking forward to a weekend in which no computer problems loomed at work and no hurricanes loomed on the horizon, it is time for me to give in. This weekend was supposed to have been filled with treks around the area for photographs and to play with a trial version of Photoshop which took 3 hours to download even with DSL. I have been struggling with a low grade fever off and on for the past month and a half. This weekend, the old familiar pain around my eyes reared it's ugly head and I had to take OTC for the sinus pain. I will go and see the dreaded doctor who will prescribe those magical antibiotics to knock out this nasty sinus infection.

So, until the antibiotics kick in, posts may be sporadic and hopefully will be coherent.


Rough Justice in a Spanish Jail

Imad Yarkas, who was jailed in Spain on charges that he helped plot the 9-11 attacks, got a taste of what a lot of people would like to do to him. Poor baby suffered a broken jaw, nose, tooth, and suffered an eye injury. Fellow prisoners set upon him while he was eating breakfast. He is usually kept in solitary confinement for his safety(too bad the victims of 9-11, 3-11, and 7-7, Israel, and other places too numerous to mention, didn't have that protection). For some reason though, some prisoners finished their breakfast later than usual and Yarkas was brought in and before he could be taken out of the room, had rough justice administered.

Yarkas is also reputed to have links with the planners of the 3-11 attacks in Madrid.

Even prisoners have a code of conduct and usually will beat senseless/kill scumbags like Yarkas, child killers, child rapists, and other low-lifes.


Two From Lodi to Be Deported

Mohammad Adil Khan, and his son, Mohammad Hassan Adil have admitted to overstaying their visas and will be deported. Both maintain they were not involved in any terrorists activities. Khan's wife, daughter, and another son will also be returning to Pakistan. Department of Homeland Security chief counsel, Richard Le Ferve said that both men were being deported "to remove any potential threat to the community" and that foreign nationals would not be allowed to stay in the US and use it as a haven for activities that put the US or other countries at risk. It could take up to two weeks before they are on the way to Pakistan. Until then, they will remain in custody.

The third man arrested for immigration violations, Shabbir Ahmed is fighting deportation.

Two down, one to go on the visa violations. Good riddance. Ya'll don't come back, you hear.


A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Li'l Mamzer is a reader of my site. He made a impassioned plea to the plight that Israelis face on a daily basis. Here are his comments. Listen to the voice crying in the wilderness for justice!

The application of the Israel Double Standard by the mainstream media, and by the Presbyterian Church which has voted to apply economic sanctions against Israel (for defending herself against child-killers!!!!) is part of a pattern of simmering bigotry against Jews.
The refusal of the EU to call terrorism against Israel for what it is, the same offense by the mainstream media, and the general feeling that israel has no right to defend her citizens against attacks by those who avowedly, and proudly, broadcast their aims to wipe the map clean of Jews, is nothing less than slow-walked genocide-abetting.

Anyone care to venture a guess how many flags are flying half-staff around the world to mourn the Israeli dead from the 5 most recent years of Palestinian Arab Muslim atrocities?

How about ZERO?

I drive to work every morning down Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, AKA "Embassy Row" for the many foreign embassies there, and I noticed lots of flags at half-staff. How many around the world are observing two minutes of silence for the incredibly disproportionate number (relative to the general population) of Israelis murdered by Palestinian Arab Muslims in bus bombings and similar atrocities?

How about ZERO?

Go here for a list of Israeli victims of what the mainstream media would have you believe are "militants" (whatever that means) - not terrorists, which is what they are, and would be called if the victims were other than Israeli Jews: Jewish Virtual Library

A final thought -

When Israeli busses were blowing up, and the Palestinian Arab Muslim bombers were packing the bombs with nuts, bolts, nails, and rat poisin (so that those passengers who were not immediately slaughtered would be maimed and suffer the effects of the poison - usually massive internal bleeding), the result was always heavy diplomatic pressure on Israel to show RESTRAINT when responding to these atrocities.

Look up the US State Department briefings - it's been like a broken record.

Who is lecturing the British now to show "restraint"?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

Listen Closer to Imams Words

Islamic scholars and leaders meet in London's largest mosque to discuss the terrorists attacks that occurred in London on July 7.

This is the enlightening statement that came from this meeting:
"There should be a clear distinction between the suicide bombing of those who are trying to defend themselves from occupiers, which is something different from those who kill civilians, which is a big crime," said Sayed Mohammed Musawi, the head of the World Islamic League in London.

However, Hani Sibai, Director of London's Al-Maqreze Centre for Historical Studies, had this to say during an interview on Al-Jazeera TV on July 8, 2005:
Al-Siba'i: "The term 'civilians' does not exist in Islamic religious law. Dr. Karmi is sitting here, and I am sitting here, and I'm familiar with religious law. There is no such term as 'civilians' in the modern Western sense. People are either of Dar Al-Harb or not.

So, who are you going to believe, the imam that states it's okay to kill civilians that are occupiers of Islamic lands but not civilians in other countries, or the one that states all civilians are open game because they are part of Dar Al-Harb, which translated means House of War: countries that are in the control of infidels and have not yet been subdued by Islam.

It all depends on what Sayed Musawi means by "occupiers". Is he referring to Dar Al-Harb? In that case the world's civilian population is fair game to homicide bombers because one of the root beliefs of Islam is for the world to be dominated by it.

But I have a sneaky suspicion that he is referring to the cowardly homicide bombing jihadis who terrorize Israel on a daily basis.

In either case, whether one listens to Musawi or to Sibai, the unholy murdering jihadis are going to continue kill innocent people who are trying to go about their daily lives. Islam's root belief is the total domination of the world and while it may seem far fetched that this is the goal of Islamic extremists, this threat is real. Make no mistake about it. Until moderate Muslims condemn homicide bombers, whether in the United States, London, Israel, Madrid, Thailand and other places across the globe, true reformation of Islam cannot begin and innocents will continue to be slaughtered.

Help Needed

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

I sure everyone remembers this picture of Major Bieger:

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Michael Yon does weekly dispatches from Iraq. His pictures are what photojournalism is all about. The one below is from this week's dispatch:

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

He needs our help. He rides with the 1-24th Infantry Unit also known as Deuce Four. His camera equipment in a bad state of repair. He supports his endeavors on his own but needs our help. Please help him continue his weekly dispatches and wonderful photography by going to his site Michael Yon and scrawl through his posts to see why they need to continue and click on one of the Support Dispatches buttons at the end of his posts to help out if you can.

All's Quiet in the "Lull"

As of 12:00pm US time, the Israelis have had to endure the following terrorists attacks:

Tulkarm - Molotov Cocktails thrown at IDF soldiers - no one hurt

Gush Katif - 4 Kassam rockets fired, the cowardly terrorists injured more children, two girls 18 & 4

Neveh Dekalim - 2 wounded in Kassam rocket attack

West Negev - 5 rockets fired

West Egyptian border - for a change of pace, an anti-aircraft missile was fired at an IDF base (gee I wonder if they were American ones)

How would you want your country to respond to such crass attacks against humanity? Would you want the world to tell your government to show restraint or do you want a just and swift response to these cowardly terrorists attacks?

Why should Israel be the only country in the world to show restraint against the murdering attacks against it's people and military? I say to the Israelis, go ahead and do what you have to do, do not listen to world opinion. Make your arrests, attack the places where these murderous Kassam rockets are being made, bulldoze the houses that have tunnels under them to allow for weapons smuggling. Do what is necessary and let the rest of the world deal with the "poor defenseless terrorists" that the PA harbors. I am sure that the apologists wouldn't mind having neighbors such as these. Let them fire one rocket into an apologists back yard and see how quickly they yell for action to be taken. People such as George Galloway, Michael Moore, Julianna Melveaux, the ACLU, and others to numerous to name need to have a big, big reality check as to the enemy we are all facing.


How Many Times?

How many times must Israel fight in order to maintain itself and protect it's citizens? Before and since the declaration of statehood on May 14, 1948, Israel has faced wave after wave of all manner of threats, from the fedayeen, to Arab armies invading, to today's terrorists, and lately by divestment from so called Christian churches. I say so called Christian churches because they are punishing Israel for taking common sense measures to protect the lives of innocents while rewarding the very people who are maiming and killing Israelis.

The MSM speaks of the "lull" in terrorist attacks. There has been no "lull". An almost daily barrage of Qassam rockets rain down and kill and maim those who are at home or at work. The "lull" they speak of is merely the space of time between the terrorist homicide bombers. There is hardly any mention of the drive-by shootings that kill Israeli teenagers waiting rides. There is hardly any mention of the number of teenage homicide bombers who are intercepted by the Israelis before they can explode their lethal weapons at the targeted hospitals, malls, buses, or whatever target has been dreamed up.

Why should Israel be taken to task for building the security fence? I don't like that it has to be built. But Israel has as it's neighbors those that want to push it into the sea.

It seems at times that Israel is besieged and yet even in this atmosphere, continues to thrive. Against all odds, the miracle of modern Israel exists. The Israelis have taken a land that had been neglected for centuries under the Ottoman Empire and turned it into a land that is fruitful. Just a glance at the Jerusalem Post technology section will show the innovations Israelis are coming up with. One of the most promising is the transplanting of ovarian tissue to overcome infertility of those who had gone through chemotherapy.

Yes Israel, may appear to be besieged but she isn't. She faces daily threats and responds swiftly, while maintaining a society that is vibrant and full of innovations. So, how many times must Israel face threats before it's neighbors realize that it can actually help them? How many Israelis must be killed before the world denounces Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad as the terrorists they are, classifies them as such, and quits trying to turn them into some sort of quasi-legitimate political group as was done with the PLO?


In addition to the server meldown and packing up the office for Hurricane Dennis, our router at work had a nervous breakdown and had to be replaced. Routers are such fun little darlings. If they don't like you, they will not let you in no matter what password you have. The new one works beautifully and let's me in just fine. However, it missed up every single network connection. So, I had to go every workstation, enter the assigned IP address, the subnet mask, the gateway, and the 2 DNS numbers. Ah, sweet joy. Oh yeah, had to remap all the network connections. So, these two 1/2 weeks at work have been quite interesting, in the sense of the Chinese proverb/curse. It looks like everything is finally running smoothly, except for the power line that was sparking outside the factory this morning. That's been taken care of also. So, now I'm doing my happy dance!

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Rogers Sullies All-Star Game

Kenny Rogers, pitcher for the Texas Rangers, was allowed to pitch in the All-Star Game after receiving a 20 game suspension for hitting two camera men and hospitalizing one. He was booed by the fans at the game. Rogers stated that his pitching record allowed him to play despite his suspension. Of course his pitching ended the American shut out in the 9th inning. Terry Francona defended his decision to allow Rogers to play by saying he was trying not to be judgmental.New Orleans Channel

In my opinion Kenny Rogers should not have been allowed to play. I don't care how good his pitching record is. He should be disciplined for his actions against those two camera men. Allowing him to play in this All-Star Game cheapened it and the suspension he received. So, do you think he should have been allowed to play?

Terrorists Love to Kill Children

The cowardly, murdering terrorists seem to have a penchant for killing children. Whether it is luring teenagers to blow themselves for some senseless act of murder or blowing them up in Iraq as they are being handed sweets by US military, or riding a bus in Israel, the ungodly terrorists target children.

Why don't the apologists who defend the actions of these unholy "warriors" realize that nothing but wiping them out will get rid of the problem. There are no realistic root causes for the actions of these murdering heathens. The book they read, the Koran, tells them to kill the infidels. That is their only logic. The children in Iraq and all the other victims in the terrorists bombings over there are seen as "unbelievers" by the unholy "warriors", even if they are Muslim. These terrorists are after world domination by Islam and the leaders of the unholy "warriors" are after promised loot.

Iraq the Model has a heartfelt post on the murder of those children in Iraq.


Italy Proposes New Measures to Counter Threat

Italy's Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu has proposed the following measures to counter the the threats from murdering cowardly jihadi terrorists:

doubling to 24 hours the time suspects can be kept in custody without charge

interrogating suspects without lawyers present

strengthening of measures to prevent terrorists from financing their operations

increasing penalties for carrying false documents

compiling lists of mobile phone users to help police investigating suspected terrorist crime

monitoring more closely immigrants from outside the EU who are already the subject of criminal investigations. Those considered a threat to public order or state security will be summarily expelled.

He also said security would be stepped up at ports and the public transport system, and mobile phones and the internet would be monitored. BBC News

It seems like Italy is taking the threats made against it very seriously and is taking common sense steps. Now if they would just get rid of that ridicilous law that has 80 year old Oriana Fallaci, a writer in her 70's and stricken with cancer facing jail time for writing a book on the threat posed by Islamics.

I Am Tired of This

Terrorists are at it again in Israel. Do not tell me they are freedom fighters or any other euphominsm for murderers. They are cold blooded killers who are bent on killing as many Israelis as they can.

Jerusalem Post
At least two people were killed and between 15-20 people were wounded Tuesday afternoon when a major explosion occurred at an intersection near the Sharon Mall in Netanya around 6:30 p.m. Tuesday evening.

A seperate attack occured on the same day: Jerusalem Post
An explosion occurred inside a vehicle at the entrance to the settlement of Shavei Shomron northwest of Nablus in the West Bank Tuesday afternoon, Magen David Adom officials reported.

Officials said that one person was wounded in the large-scale explosion, which appeared to be the driver of the vehicle, Channel 2 reported.

Do you suppose world reaction will be the same to these two bombings as the ones in London? Somehow I doubt it. These are acts of terror and to try to classify them as anything other is wrong and stupid. People were just going about their daily lives much as those in London, Madrid, Beslan, Bali, Thailand, the United States, and other places too numerous to mention. Innocent people are being killed and the same outrage that was poured out over the attacks in London needs to be shown for these terrorist attacks that have occured in Israel today.
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Terrorists - Saladin Wanna Be's

Efraim Karsh wrote at the Jewish World Review wrote We Are the World. His opening statement has a lot of impact and should be an eye-opener.
The London bombings had little to do with Iraq and everything to do with the radical Muslim agenda to make Islam the world's reigning religion. We ignore that fact at our own peril

Karsh states it more eloquently in his article but all these jihadis have delusions of grandeur. They use sound bites that the MSM is more than willing to use. They have been using these tactics against Israel for years and for some reason, usually intelligent people buy it. These jihadis have one goal in mind, a world dominated by Islam with people like Osama in charge. They want to destroy Western civilization to maintain a status quo in which people who are not in leadership roles will become serfs. They want to go back to times of the Ottoman Empire, in which the common Arabs and Muslims lived in rank poverty and illiteracy(many still do today). The PA is doing the same thing. They have been given enough money over the years in which to build a stable society and yet they have chosen to go the route of infitada. So what will the PA be doing with the proposed $3 billion a year for the next three years?

Will they be using this money to build schools and infrastructure to improve the lives of the people living there? I doubt it. Look what happened to Adil Sadek, a senior Fatah official who was openly critical of the PA about corruption: Jerusalem Post
"We have decided to suspend the membership of Adli Sadek in Fatah and it is forbidden to deal with him," Kaddoumi, who lives in Tunis, said in a directive sent to Fatah activists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

So, here is someone who rightly criticizes the PA and he is fired and ostracized. Some of the money will more than likely end up in some PA members bank account. Other money will be spent on new and improved weapons for murdering Israelis in terrorists attacks and the MSM will not call them acts of terror.

Saladin is a hero to many Arabs and Muslims. He ousted the Crusaders from Jerusalem. Are we going to allow today's Saladin wanna be's to destroy our society? This infidel says no.


Miscellaneous Jokes for Sunday













Moon Walking Birds?

Since the Braves seem to be headed for a loss, I have been scanning the internet and found this: Bird Moon Walks.

Casinos Ordered Closed/With Updates 7-9 & 7-10

The Mississippi Gaming Commission has ordered all casinos to be cleared and closed by midnight tonight.

Also, a mandatory evacuation order is in place now for all low lying areas in Harrison and Jackson counties of Mississippi.Sun Herald

Forecasts show that Hurricane Dennis is still expected to land somewhere on the Alabama - Florida state line. However, I have been keenly watching the track of Dennis and it seems to me that it is moving further west. I have been monitoring the track of this storm all day and have everything ready in case it does decide to come visit the beautiful Mississippi Coast. We are still under a hurricane warning.

UPDATE: Hurricane Dennis has been upgraded to a Category 3 after having been downgraded after crossing Cuba. It is possible Dennis could become a Category 4 again before making landfall in the Gulf Coast states. Accuweather

UPDATE: Civil Defense officials in Harrison County(where I live) at 9:00pm have ordered the mandatory evacuation of Zone B, which is basically every thing south of Interstate 10. Even if Zone C is ordered to evacuate, I will not be affected.

I would like to thank the Harrison County Sheriff's Department for keeping me updated through e-mails. Our local television station doesn't do a very good job.

UPDATE: Received via e-mail from the National Hurricane Center
7 PM EDT SAT JUL 09 2005


105 knots=120mph dropped 11mb in 2 hours!!! If the forecasters are freaking out, I am definitely freaking out.

UPDATE: 11:00pm My Mom and sister Denise were in Zone B. They and their cat and dog are now at my house. So, the totals, 3 humans, 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 birds. It's going to be a fun night. When they first came, the parrot started flying around and my dog was barking at their cat, which is kinda of a wuss anyways.(Don't tell my sister I called her cat a wuss,PLEASE).

UPDATE: July 10 5:30am
The forecasters still are not sure exactly were Dennis will be making landfall. We will decide later if we need to go my sister Debbie who lives 15 miles further inland. The animals have settled down and no major skirmishes between the dogs or between the dogs and cats. The Quaker parrot settled down after being given some apple slices and cherries. Now, if I could figure a way to calm my Mom down.

UPDATE: July 10 8:15am
It looks like Mississippi has dodged the bullet again. Forecasters are projecting it to land further east, possibly just east of Mobile. I pray for all those in Alabama and Florida. They really don't need this again.

UPDATE: July 10 3:33pm
Hurricane Dennis made landfall around 3:00pm just east of Pensacola as a Catagory 3 storm, decreasing in strength just as it made landfall. That is good news for Florida. Here in Mississippi, just some rain at times and winds gusts at about 30-40mph.

UPDATE: July 10 3:45pm Hurricane Dennis downgraded to a Catagory 2. Yippee!!! Mississippi is no longer under a hurricane warning, just a tropical storm warning.

UPDATE(LAST ONE): July 10 7:15pm
At 6:00pm curfews and evacuation orders have been lifted for Harrison County.

From the Harrison County Web-site
Working in conjunction with the Harrison County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Mississippi Hotel & Lodging Association are reaching out to neighboring communities in Florida, Alabama and northeastern Mississippi to assist those whose luck with Dennis was not as fortunate. The entities are working closely with hotel properties to make sure that people whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Dennis will have shelter after the storm passes at reduced rates. Displaced persons can place reservations by calling toll free (888) 388-1006.

Why Have The Braves Been Winning?

For the past 3 to 4 weeks, the Atlanta Braves have been tearing up team after team. The are now playing so well after being in some sort of decline that used to make me want to weep. So, had did this turn about happen? I am not a sports writer, I just love my Braves, but here goes. The Braves started winning after Chipper Jones went on the disabled list. I have spoken about Chipper Jones and to me he is not a team player. Since he has been injured, the Braves have been playing as a team and with a lot of enthusiasm. I know many people like Chipper Jones but I don't.

If they keep winning like this, I may have to up to Atlanta and see them play. I would love to go next weekend when they play the Mets but there is no way.

Don't Try This At Home!!

Jet Packs

Italy Is Not Waiting

Over 2,000 Italian police fanned out around Milan and arrested 142 in an anti-terrorist sweep. 84 of those arrested were immigrants and 52 of that number have been issued expulsion orders. Milan has been the focus of Islamic terrorism and is at risk for attacks. The operation was conducted as a precaution against the threats of “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” which specifically named Italy as a target. Italy has not changed it's plans to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq. 300 of the 3,000 Italians in Iraq will leave in September. MSNBC

Keep up the good work Italy. Don't let your guard down and get rid of those scumbags.


6 Others Attended Training Camps

Hamid Hayat, and his father, Umer have been talking to investigators and have revealed that six others attended terrorist training camps in Pakistan. This training camp was run by a friend of Umer's father-in-law.

The pair also told investigators that six others attended the camp, according to federal court documents obtained by The Sacramento Bee. There they were trained to target financial institutions and government buildings in the United States, according to the documents.

Reports do not indicate if these six men are the US as most of the court documents are under seal.Lodi News

What's alarming is that we know in the past that financial institutions have been cased. I hope these two have sang like canaries and told the FBI who these other men are and where they are located.

PS: I am still at work, checking to make sure backups to new external drive have worked, but I should be able to leave in about 30 minutes.

Getting Ready

Though no one knows for sure where Hurricane Dennis will land probably early Sunday morning, now is the time to start making preparations. We are in the process of packing up the offices, making sure all company papers are secured. Later, three backups will be made and taken to different locations. The server will be moved to a different location and as will the external hard drive.

Then, around 6:00pm, I should be on my way home to start preparations there. I have told my son he should go to his Granny's. I have not decided whether to stay at my house or to go to my sister's. My sister lives further inland then I do but there are so many trees, it will be very difficult to get back to my house after the storm. And I would have to leave all my animals.

During times like these, I am amazed at the kindness of people. One of the local building contractors came by to see if my bosses needed to have their windows bordered up at their houses. I asked how much he charged and he said in times like these he doesn't charge anything. That is so nice because cutting the plywood and nailing them in place is no easy task.

The projected paths are being moved ever closer to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. But like I said, no one knows for sure and you can't wait too long to prepare for a dangerous storm such as Dennis, which is classified as a Catagory 4. The highest catagory is a 5 and it is possible that Dennis could become one.

Already, the grocery stores are being emptied of supplies and plywood is already scarce. I had my son go and pick up what supplies were needed. If I had waited until tomorrow, there probably wouldn't be anything left.

Tropical Storm Cindy was an irritation, this one is a killer already.


America Mourns With Britain

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Today innocent people who were on the way to work were killed in an vicious, unprovoked attack by murdering cowardly bastard terrorists. To those who continue to say that it is the policies of the United States, Israel, and other freedom loving countries that provoke these attacks, I say BULLSHIT. It does not matter what we do, these people have an agenda for spreading Islam and want to kill. The religion that they base their attacks on is filled with calls to duty to kill the infidels. I know many say that the majority of Muslims are peace loving but why do they not stand up and denounce these cowardly attacks? I am tired of hearing apologists give excuses. If Muslims do truly practice a "religion of peace", I want to see them stand up and denounce these acts, all acts of terrorism, including the ones directed at Israel. It shouldn't be that difficult. It is the right thing to do. Stand up and voice your disgust at these attacks.

UPDATE:Some are condemning the attacks and saying no more in the name of Islam.
From the Free Muslims Coalition
(Washington, D.C., 7/7/05) The Free Muslims Coalition (FMC), a national Muslim organization with 15 chapters world wide, condemns the London terror attacks and calls on the silent majority of Muslims to stand up against the terrorists who commit evil in their name.

Hat tip It's a Matter of Opinion


Democracy in Action

Recently, the Supreme Court made the acrimonious decision to take away the property rights of US citizens. On Wednesday, in New London CT, a rally was held in support of the home owners. Mud&PHud has a great post and pictures from the rally. I do love to see democracy in action!!

However, one New London council woman did not see things that way:
*Classy line from Margaret Curtin (a member of the New London City Council): "It didn't affect anyone," she said of the rally. "It wasn't on the agenda."

Seems Ms. Curtin has the same deep disregard as the Supreme Court for those homeowners whose land is about to be confiscated, for just compensation of course.

I am still continuing my efforts on the Mississippi home front, though I have not been able to do much lately. There are still some quirks that need to be worked out after the server crash at work.

Since When is America an Islamic Land?

Middle East Media Research Institute has a post about a group called The World Islamic Organization's Headquarters for Remembering the Shahids. This group is in Iran and according to them have recruited 40,000 suicide bombers to target Israel and the US. Their purpose, carry out martyrdom operations to liberate Islamic lands. So again, my question, since when has Israel and the US been an Islamic land? Is this Dar al Islam in action? Dar al Islam means those lands which are to be controlled or already are by Islam.

This group operates out of Iran and says they do not have the support of the Iranian government. That is so much B.S. This group has on online site that recruits potential suicide bombers and provides training and guidance for those recruited.

And then there's this:
The organization's supporters, and those participating in its activities, include public figures, such as veteran MP Mahdi Kuchak-Zadeh, from the prominent conservative party Coalition of Iran's Developers (Abadgoran) which backed Iranian President-Elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad and Revolutionary Guards officers such as General Salami, head of The Revolutionary Guards Headquarters for Strategic Operations.

So, The World Islamic Organization's Headquarters for Remembering the Shahids, does not receive any backing from Iran? Common sense will tell you that for such a group to operate in Iran, the government must be actively helping in some way.

In June 2004 some of these murdering jihadi terrorists were apprehended in Iraq and handed over to British forces. The group also crows about it's ties with such peace loving groups as Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

So, what do you think about the US and Israel being classified as "Islamic lands" and needing to be freed?

Special thanks to Clarity and Resolve's handy Lexicon.

Issue With Haloscan

Lately, I've noticed that the number of comments posted have not been incrementing correctly. Haloscan is aware of the problem and is working on it. What I have noticed on my site is that commenters who have a yahoo.com email address seem to affect it somehow. Until Haloscan fixes the problem, I've been deleting the email reference. The actual comments of posters have not been edited in any way.

Tropical Storm Cindy

Tropical Storm Cindy was mainly a nuisance for Mississippi. With 6 - 8 inches of rainfall, the biggest problem was flooding in low lying areas. A higher than expected storm surge surprised some of the supervisors where I work. Yes, they were working during the storm. New Orleans appears to be suffering the most. 250,000 homes had power knocked out and by 10:00pm, it is expected that of that number, 150,000 will have had their power restored. There was a lot of reports of downed trees and a few buildings sustained some damage. WDSU News

Below are some pictures I took of the parking lot where I work and the small craft marina close by. These were taken at Biloxi's Back Bay at 8:00am and the water had gone done almost 1 1/2 feet by then.

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They had to move the trucks about 4:00am. In the bottom picture, close to the red marker, you can just barely see a boat that was sinking.

News From Iraq

An interview


"Foggy Bottom" is a Little to Foggy

The State Department is often referred to as the "Foggy Bottom". It needs to clear some of the fog away and fast. How was Shabbir Ahmed able to obtain a visa form the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan?

In October 2001, Ahmed was one of the main speakers at an anti-American rally in Islamabad. At this rally he exhorted the crowd to join in the jihad against the United States and he used "Holy War" and not inner struggle. In November, he openly advocated the overthrow of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. These statements were published widely. How did he manage to receive an uncontested three-year "religious worker" visa to the United States in 2002?

The Madrassah Jamia Farooqia religious school in Karachi, Pakistan was listed as a terrorist originization in 2001. One of the others being held for immigration violations in Lodi is Mohammad Adil Khan. Khan was Ahmed's teacher at the madrassah in Pakistan and it was he who guaranteed Ahmed a job in the United States. Lodi News

I realize that things were chaotic during this time period, with the start of Operation Enduring Freedom but lapses like this need to stop. These men were part of an orginization that preaches jihad against the US. It is scary to think that there by other Ahmeds and Khans who may have gained entry into our country the same way. The State Department should have had a dossier on Ahmed long before the June 24 immigration hearing. It should have been done before he received any visa.

In another article there is this tidbit about the proposed Islamic center in Lodi:

Jamia Farooqia Islamic Center: At a glance

Lodi's Farooqia Islamic Center was named after a larger institution in Pakistan called the Jamia Farooqia International University for Islamic Studies.

Location: Karachi, Pakistan.

Enrollment: About 2,300 students from Pakistan and other countries.

Founder: Maulana Saleernullah Khan.

Lodi connections: Khan's son, Mohammad Adil Khan, oversees the proposed Farooqia Islamic Center; Shabbir Ahmed was a former student at teacher at Jamie Farooqia. Ahmed was imam at Lodi Mulsim Mosque until Sunday, when the mosque board fired him.

Not a word in this description about the terrorist links that the one in Pakistan has. Ahmed keeps saying that he regrets his speeches in Pakistan. I do not believe him. It seems there was a little plan to place a madrassah in California. Thank goodness that there appears to be some question about the money raised to build this center and plans for building it have stopped.


I am a member of ProtestWarrior. I am pride of the things that we do in countering anti-war protestors. Back in January a group of hackers who call themselves the "Internet Liberation Front" and led by Jeremy Hammond gained illegal access to the Protest Warrior website.

Their attempt was quickly discovered and the administrators at the Protest Warrior site began collecting information and eventually were able to penetrate the inner circle of the hacking group. Evidence was collected that showed this group had stolen more than 5,000 credit card numbers and were planning the following:

* Use the credit card numbers to run up charges at left wing organizations
* Send the entire ProtestWarrior database with usernames and information to
left wing groups hostile to ProtestWarrior
* Upload the credit card information to such left-wing and anarchists sites,
specifically Indymedia as a downloadable zip file
* Send anonymous press releases bragging about the hack
* Erase the ProtestWarrior website
* Launch simultaneous attacks on other conservative sites

The FBI and Secret Service have been contacted. With the information provided by ProtestWarrior, the FBI was able to stop the planned attacks. The site administrators have taken measures to ensure that all information is secure and that all customers were protected. Jeremy Hammond is desperate. He is now facing an FBI investigation and has created a website www.freejeremy.com in order to receive donations for his upcoming legal expenses. He is also trying to garner public sympathy and is spreading slanderous disinformation about ProtestWarrior.

ProtestWarrior headquarters will be releasing more information about the ongoing FBI investigation. Kfir and Allen, founders of ProtestWarrior, said that justice will be served.

I am outraged by this group hacking our website. We do not try to deny anti-war groups their voice. We just hold up signs(quite humorous ones) to counter their message. We do not advocate violence violent protests. Americans who support the war have just as much right to show that support as do the anti-war groups.

Some examples of the signs used at major protest events:
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UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has a post about these malicious moonbats.

Hat tip: The Royal Flush